Presentation Primary School, Drogheda



- 13 mainstream classrooms each equipped with an interactive whiteboard, data projector and computers.

- 6 learning support rooms, equipped with interactive whiteboards, data projectors, computers, iPads as well as other specialised resources

- A spacious P.E. hall which doubles as a venue for meetings, concerts and other cultural activities. It comes complete with a large stage area and sound system. Our hall is well equipped for the delivery of the primary school curriculum in P.E.

- A computer room with 30 PCs, an iMac, 10 iPads , data projector with interactive whiteboard and a printer. We have been awarded ‘Digital School’ status.

- A new library using the accelerated reader system to track children’s reading ability.

- A large spacious outdoor play area and playing fields suitable for all sports activities.

- School multisensory and memorial gardens and also patio flower garden used by all classes as part of the Science curriculum.

- Green Flags for Litter & Waste, Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity and Global Citizenship..

- Yellow Flag in recognition of being a ‘Health Promoting School’.

- Kiva School: preventative anti-bullying program implemented in all classses

- Incredible Years Program: to promote emotional, social and academic competence and to prevent, reduce, and treat behavioural and emotional problems in young children.

- We have the services of a Home School Community Liaison co-ordinator and a School Completion Programme co-ordinator also. Our Parents’ Room caters for leisure, curricular and self-development classes.

- Pro-active Board of Management and Parents’ Association.

- Access to a School counsellor, links to the Rainbows peer support group and other community organisations.

Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Feb 03
St. Brigid's Day Bank Holiday
Feb 20
February Midterm
Mar 14
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
latest news
Ballymakenny Rd, Greenbatter, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland
041 983 7119
© 2024 Presentation Primary School, Drogheda