- 13 mainstream classrooms each equipped with an interactive whiteboard, data projector and computers.
- 6 learning support rooms, equipped with interactive whiteboards, data projectors, computers, iPads as well as other specialised resources
- A spacious P.E. hall which doubles as a venue for meetings, concerts and other cultural activities. It comes complete with a large stage area and sound system. Our hall is well equipped for the delivery of the primary school curriculum in P.E.
- A computer room with 30 PCs, an iMac, 10 iPads , data projector with interactive whiteboard and a printer. We have been awarded ‘Digital School’ status.
- A new library using the accelerated reader system to track children’s reading ability.
- A large spacious outdoor play area and playing fields suitable for all sports activities.
- School multisensory and memorial gardens and also patio flower garden used by all classes as part of the Science curriculum.
- Green Flags for Litter & Waste, Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity and Global Citizenship..
- Yellow Flag in recognition of being a ‘Health Promoting School’.
- Kiva School: preventative anti-bullying program implemented in all classses
- Incredible Years Program: to promote emotional, social and academic competence and to prevent, reduce, and treat behavioural and emotional problems in young children.
- We have the services of a Home School Community Liaison co-ordinator and a School Completion Programme co-ordinator also. Our Parents’ Room caters for leisure, curricular and self-development classes.
- Pro-active Board of Management and Parents’ Association.
- Access to a School counsellor, links to the Rainbows peer support group and other community organisations.