Presentation Primary School, Drogheda

Active Schools

Active Schools

Presentation Primary Get Active


Active Flag

Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education initiative supported by Healthy Ireland, and part of the National Physical Activity Plan.

The ASF initiative provides schools with a framework to guide, support and incentivize them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community.

The Process: There are lots of criteria we have to meet to receive the flag. We are confident this will be an enjoyable and beneficial experience for all members of our school community.

There are targets outlined for 4 clear areas which need to be achieved.

The 4 areas are:

  • Physical Education
  • Physical Activity
  • Partnerships
  • Active School Week

We, at Presentation Primary are currently working towards gaining an Active School Flag for our school. It is recommended that all children get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.

We are hoping that by engaging in this process, the above will become more achievable for all our pupils. Along with improving the physical health of our pupils we believe we will see knock-on effects in the classrooms also eg; increased concentration and focus.

Please see more information at Active School Flag | More Schools, More Active, More Often

Physical Education



During the month of September, and in partnership with Louth Local Sports Partnership, the children attended the Lourdes Stadium here in Drogheda. After walking over 1km down, the children undertook activities at four different stations

  • Running
  • Long Jump
  • High Jump
  • Javelin

After that, the children would then walk back to school and enjoy a well earned rest!

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Spooky Halloween Circuits

We had great fun being Active before the midterm break with our Halloween inspired exercise stations. Judging by the photos, they had a ‘Spooktacular’ time!

Here are the stations:

    1. Throw your Treats – How many treats (beanbags) can you get in the hula hoop?
    2. Pumpkin Roll – Pencil roll across mat (one person at a time)
    3. Trick or Jump – 10 jumps, give next person a go
    4. Eyeball Balance – balance (eye)BALL on the racket
    5. Frankenstein – moving like Frankenstein move a ball through the cones with your feet
    6. Spooky Squats – Squat whilst making a spooky face
    7. Haunted Hurdles – jump over the hurdles, one person at a time
    8. Curl Ups – Lie on the mat and “rise” into a curl up!
    9. Ghost buster – Throw the basketball hitting the ghosts on the wall, one person at a time!
    10. Spider Crawl – Crab walk!
    11. Lava Leap – Avoid the lava by jumping from hoop to hoop
    12. Walk the plank – walk along a bench (mats each side) walk along a line (infants)
    13. Zombie Step ups – Place hands on the wall (like a zombie) step up on the bench


Our Active School Commitment

Our School knows that physical Activity helps us to:

      • Stay Healthy
      • Have Fun
      • Concentrate and focus

Our Active Schools Committee

Congratulations to the following children who have been selected to be part of our Active Schools Committee.

        • Smrithi
        • Amelia
        • Conor
        • Milan
        • Amy
        • Mazvi
        • Emily
        • Evana
        • Zuzanna
        • Jheanna

School Slogan

In the month of December, all the classes participated in our Active school slogan competition. Each child, along with their parents, had to create a slogan along with a poster. One winner was chosen from each class, in which they received a prize. One winner was selected from the entire school, in which they received a prize for Sports Direct to spend on something Active.

The Active school’s committee met several times, and decided that our Active School Slogan for 2024 is…

Being Active Every day, Helps us Live a Better Way!

Active Christmas

For our Active Christmas initiative, each child from Junior Infants to 6th Class went on a ‘Christmas Jumper/Hat walk’. The children were encouraging to wear a Christmas hat or jumper and go for a walk in our local community. Every adult in the school took part and participated in the 3Km walk. As a Christmas treat, the children were all treated to a cup of warm hot chocolate as they listened to Christmas songs upon arriving back to the school.

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Involvement in sport outside of school:

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Feb 20
February Midterm
Mar 14
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
Mar 17
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
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Ballymakenny Rd, Greenbatter, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland
041 983 7119
© 2025 Presentation Primary School, Drogheda